Newspapers offer wonderful insight into in our ancestors’ lives, and can also provide great evidence for vital events (births, marriages, and deaths). It was a common practice within the Polish-American community to publish death notices in Polish-language newspapers, including the Dziennik dla Wszystkich.
PGSNYS volunteer, Ed Kornowski, began coordinating the project to index names from death notices and obituaries from the Dziennik in 1999. We did not stop with death notices, however, and expanded the project to include birth, marriage, and engagement announcements, and more. In 2023, our Dziennik dla Wszystkich Newspaper Index includes over 48,000 entries. Years completed in full are 1911–1941, with the exception of September–December 1913. If you find a relevant death notice in our database, you can obtain a copy at NYS Historic Newspapers, or contact us to request a copy. Copies of death notices are $3.00 per notice for PGSNYS members and $5.00 per notice for all others. Payment may be made by check or money order; please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you cannot accept image copies via e-mail. Payment may also be made online. Please specify that the donation is for Dziennik death notices.
PGSNYS gratefully acknowledges the efforts of the late Roseanne Nadrich with indexing Dziennik death notices.
For translation assistance with death notices published in the Dziennik, please see our Translation Guide.