Our June meeting took place last week Thursday (June 13), and we thank all who attended. Jeanette Sheliga of Jeanette’s Genealogy presented the lecture, “Above the Fold: Your Ancestors in the News.” A highlight of the presentation for many was the discussion of strategies for searching the popular newspaper archive, Fulton History Comments from attendees included, “Boolean techniques broadened where it was a dead end in previous searches,” and “This is a great adjunct to other types of searches.” Jeanette also shared her enthusiasm about our PGSNYS contributions to the free digital archive, NYS Historic Newspapers and offered some tips for searching there. After the presentation, one attendee noted, “”I have used NY Historic Newspapers, now I can do more!” To quote one more attendee, “I need overviews and reminders of strategies. PGSNYS delivers! Thank you.”

The lecture recording is now available on our Meeting Recordings page for members to access.

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