In February, we kicked off our Matching Pledge Challenge to raise funds in our ongoing effort to digitize never-before-microfilmed, local editions of the Dziennik dla Wszystkich, a historic Polish newspaper published in Buffalo, New York, between 1911 and 1957. You can read more about the Dziennik here. As we announced in February, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, we have the opportunity to double any funds raised between now and August 1, 2024, up to a maximum of $2,500. I’m pleased to report that, thanks to your generosity, we raised $1,914 in donations between February 15 and June 1, 2024. With the matching funds, this brings us to $3,828 out of a maximum of $5,000 that we can realize as a result of this campaign. We’re more than halfway there!
Our Dziennik project is an ambitious one for an organization of our size, but we believe in its value and importance, and we are committed to seeing it through to completion. The history preserved in the pages of the Dziennik is our history, our shared heritage. If you’ve already made a contribution, know that we are truly grateful for your partnership with us. If you have yet to make a donation, please consider doing so. With your help, we can raise enough to fund another $10,000 round of digitization before the end of the year.