Przewodnik Handlowy & St. Stan’s 50th Anniversary Book Collection

The Album pamiątkowe i przewodnik handlowy : osady polskiej w mieście Buffalo, z dołączeniem okolicznych miejscowości ze stanu New York [Souvenir album and trade guide of the Polish settlements in the City of Buffalo, with the addition of neighboring towns in the State of New York], known informally as the Przewodnik Handlowy, was first published in Buffalo in 1906. The book contains genealogically-relevant paid ads, for which information was supplied by the advertiser. In most cases, information includes place and date of birth, name of spouse and year of marriage, names of children, and the organizations or parish to which the family belonged. The Przewodnik Handlowy has been digitized, and is now available for browsing and searching online.

Advertisements in the Przewodnik Handlowy have been indexed and combined into a single collection with the anniversary album which was published to celebrating the 50th anniversaries of the founding of St. Stanislaus B.M. Church and the Polish community in Buffalo. The album was edited by the renowned Polish-American historian, Mieczysław Haiman.

In these two directories for Buffalo Polonia, 468 names comprise the body of the work.