Researchers in Poland and Translation Services

The PGSNYS provides this list of service providers as a courtesy. In no event shall the PGSNYS be liable for any damage or loss arising, directly or indirectly, from the use of information contained herein.   

Researchers in Poland

Lukasz Bielecki, founder of the Poznan Marriage Project, provides research in State and Ecclesiastical Archives, parishes, and civil registration offices as well as translation services. He and others at Discovery Roots specialize in research in the Greater Poland region, also known as the Poznan Province or German Province of Posen, and also the Western territory of Poland. However, their experience covers many other areas of the country as well, such as Pomerania, East Prussia, West Prussia, Silesia, Warsaw, Kalisz, Galicia, Białystok, Łomża, and Suwałki. Check out for more information.

Email address: or

Maciej Orzechowski offers assistance in the field of genealogy research in Poland and Ukraine. He has more than 10 years of experience in genealogy and works mainly in the State and Catholic archives of Przemysl, Rzeszow, and Tarnow. Research in other parts of Poland is possible as well. Details regarding his work can be found at

 Email address: or

Michal J. Marciniak is the General Manager of PolGen Research Legal Office. PolGen is a unique Polish law firm specializing in cases requiring complex genealogical research. They handle probate cases, assist clients in the process of applying for Polish citizenship, and help those seeking restitution of property seized by the state after World War II. They also offer a wide range of genealogical services to help people learn more about their ancestors and discover their family’s unique history. More information can be found at

Email address:

Ewa Sztomberska

Ewa Sztomberska of History Lab is a professional genealogy and history research company based in Lublin, Poland. We provide a full scope of genealogical and historical research services – genealogical research, searching for specific ancestors, library and archive research, property research and due diligence, preparation of history reports and books for individual customers, companies, religious groups, and state administration, and much more. We conduct research in whole Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus with special focus in Polish and Jewish genealogy.  Further information can be found at History Lab.

Email address:  or

Translation Services

Andrew Golebiowski lives in Cheektowaga, NY, and has over 20 years of experience working with genealogists, attorneys, businesses, film-makers, government, medical professionals, etc. He provides fast, reliable Polish – English translation services at reasonable rates for official documents, letters, and e-mails. He also provides translation to/from other languages as well. Further information can be found at

 Email address:

Dolores Karniewicz Ferguson lives in Hamburg NY and grew up translating letters from family in Poland and Lithuania for family and friends. She is a member of the PGSNYS and happy to translate letters for Society members for free and others for a free-will donation to the Society. Dolores is also a notary. Should a member need such service, provide Dolores advance notice, so she can bring her notary kit to a meeting.

Email address:

Surname Services

Robert Strybel picture

Robert Strybel: Have you ever wondered what your Polish last name means? Many started out as nicknames to indicate who one’s father was. Stasiak, Tomczyk, and Janowicz are the Polish equivalents of Stanson, Thomson and Johnson. Other surnames indicated someone’s native village: Wiśniewski came from Wiśniewo (Cherrywood) and Wróblewski hailed from Wróblewo (Sparrowville). Still, others indicated someone’s occupation: Piekarz (baker), Kowal (blacksmith), and Kołodziej (wheelwright).

To learn all about your Polish last name, what it means, how it came about, how many people use it, where they live, and whether a coat of arms goes with it, please airmail a $19 personal or bank check or money order (adding $13 for each additional surname you wish to have researched) to:

Robert Strybel
ul. Kaniowska 24
01-529 Warsaw, Poland

You will also get a useful genealogical contact chart that can help you track down your family records in Poland and possibly even turn up long-lost relations. Here is a summary of other services provided by Mr. Strybel.

Email address:

The PGSNYS provides this list of service providers as a courtesy. In no event shall the PGSNYS be liable for any damage or loss arising, directly or indirectly, from the use of information contained herein.