Celebrate Polish Heritage Month with PGSNYS!

Celebrate Polish Heritage Month with PGSNYS!

October is Polish American Heritage Month! How do you plan to celebrate? This might be a great time to learn a Polish song, attend a Polish dance performance, or try a new Polish recipe. It's also a great time to share family stories of your Polish ancestors with your...

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September Meeting Recap

September Meeting Recap

Thanks to all who attended our meeting on Thursday, September 12. We appreciate your flexibility and willingness to participate in our impromptu Research Night. After the close of the business meeting, we had some great discussions about current research projects,...

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Double the Learning, Double the Fun!

Double the Learning, Double the Fun!

Did you know that PGSNYS members have access to all the live monthly webinars presented by the Polish Genealogical Society of Greater Cleveland (PGSGC), in addition to our own monthly webinars? Thanks to a reciprocal agreement between our Societies, PGSNYS members...

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Summer Searchers Now Available

Summer Searchers Now Available

By now, all of our members should have received their electronic or print copy of the Summer issue of our Searchers newsletter. The new issue has been uploaded to the Members Only section of the website, where members have exclusive access to the most recent issues of...

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Updates to our Databases!

Updates to our Databases!

At our August meeting, we announced some recent updates to our databases. Specifically, we added: St. Casimir Parish Baptisms, 1891–1911 St. Casimir Parish Deaths, 1894–1904, 1911–1914 St. Casimir Parish Marriages, 1892–1905 Corpus Christi Marriages, 1898–1909...

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August Meeting Recording Now Available

August Meeting Recording Now Available

Last night, we enjoyed a fascinating look at "PGSNYS maps for Polish Genealogy," presented by PGSNYS Trustee, Hank Kozlowski. Hank shared how he inherited his position as the "Man with the Maps" from the late Walter Kloc, who acquired a large number of useful and...

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The Polish American Arts Festival Was a Huge Success!

The Polish American Arts Festival Was a Huge Success!

A great time was had by all at the Cheektowaga Polish American Arts Festival, which took place on July 26, 27, and 28, 2024! Our volunteers were kept busy during the three days of the Festival, offering research assistance and surname lookups, and answering questions...

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We did it! THANK YOU for your generosity!

We did it! THANK YOU for your generosity!

PGSNYS is thrilled to announce that our Matching Pledge Challenge is complete, and we raised just over $5,300 toward our next round of Dziennik digitization! We are so grateful to all our members and donors for your support. Thanks to you, we're getting closer to...

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June Meeting Recording Now Available

June Meeting Recording Now Available

Our June meeting took place last week Thursday (June 13), and we thank all who attended. Jeanette Sheliga of Jeanette's Genealogy presented the lecture, "Above the Fold: Your Ancestors in the News." A highlight of the presentation for many was the discussion of...

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Matching Pledge Challenge Progress Report

Matching Pledge Challenge Progress Report

In February, we kicked off our Matching Pledge Challenge to raise funds in our ongoing effort to digitize never-before-microfilmed, local editions of the Dziennik dla Wszystkich, a historic Polish newspaper published in Buffalo, New York, between 1911 and 1957. You...

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